Tuesday, September 6, 2011

XE2 and Registration Headaches.

Today I hit the registration limit on XE2.

I installed it on the following machines.
  1. Laptop (Primary for DelphiLive Presentation)
  2. Laptop (Backup for DelphiLive Presentation)
  3. Desktop (Home)
  4. MacMini, Windows VM
  5. Desktop  (Work)
Registered in in that order.   I ran in to the registration Limit with #5.    I am the only person who uses these machines.

So I think no big deal, I will request a registration limit increase.    I requested the increase and walked away from my machine for meeting.     Thinking I can wait 14 days to register no big deal.

Then I did the following.

1. File|New VCL Application
2. Ctrl-F9

Then the following dialog appears.

I have never been a fan of activation, but I have not been against it... Until Now!
Now that I can see that the 14 day grace does not just cripple the application on start-up, it annoys the developer and reduces their productivity.

The good news is that support did respond and the activation limit has been increased.     But this is just a headache that paying customers should not have to deal with.    



  1. Yeah, I just recently run into a similar problem with my good, and now old Delphi XE. After a reinstallation of one of my latops I needed to increase the registration limit and, different from before, now it needed a support ticket and wait for the answer, which was quite annoying. If the limitations are even worse for XE2, that's quite a bummer.

  2. The other thing they need to do is provide a facility to relinquish an activation. It doesn't help if a system crashes and burns without the opportunity to do so, but when you are decommissioning a VM, for example, then you should be able to "return" any Delphi activation consumed in that VM.

    Of course, having relinquished the activation it should return to the unregistered/unactivated state, but that's fair enough - you would only return the activation when you don't intend using it any more.

  3. wow ... why stop there why not reboot the machine themselves every hour. That's horribly archaic and ... well, ... just plain wrong.
