Monday, December 30, 2013

DUnitX and my plans

I have been a big fan of using unit testing frameworks.   I use both DUnit and DUnitX for my Delphi tests.

I am right now contributing to DUnitX as I see it as the future framework of choice for Delphi Developers.

I just wanted to talk in public about some of work I have going on around DUnitX.   My goal is simple to get feedback from the Delphi community.

IDE Expert

It is really easy to setup a test project and test fixtures with DUnitX, but I thought it could be easier.

So I created a new Delphi Open Tools Expert that does the following:

  • File | New | Other | Delphi Projects | DUnitX Project
    • Creates a new DPR/DPROJ
    • DPR Source is modeled after the DUnitX example unit tests.
    • Base Project Search Path set to $(DUnitX)
    • Optionally creates a Test Unit
  • File | New | Other | Delphi Files | DUnitx Unit
    • Creates new Delphi unit
    • Adds   DUnitX.TestFramework to uses
    • Creates a new class with correct attributes, you get to specify class name
    • Optionally creates Setup and TearDown methods
    • Optionally creates Sample Test Methods.
    • Registers the TestFixture in the initialization section.
Basically it's not much, but it provides a framework to reduce your time to get to writing actual test code.    I am nearly done with this code, I wrote most of it during the Christmas Break.   Hopefully in the next week I can finish this.  It's going to take some time, as I have to build a machine with Delphi 2010 through XE5 on it to test this functionality as I only have XE and XE5 installed right now.

To see the current state of the code check out this expert branch
Update:  Code is now part of the master branch on the Main Project

Data Driven Test Cases

The potential to have data driven test cases is the main reason why I started looking at DUnitX.   
  TMyTestObject = class(TObject)
    procedure Setup;
    procedure TearDown;
    // Sample Methods
    // Simple single Test
    procedure Test1;
    // Test with TestCase Atribute to supply parameters.
    procedure Test2(const AValue1 : Integer;const AValue2 : Integer);

The method Test2 above shows up as two different tests, the first time it's called with 1 and  and second time it's called with 3 and 4.

I recently made a change to underlying structure of the code. First I created a new record called TestCaseInfo followed by two new abstract attribute classes

   ///    Internal Structure used for those implementing CustomTestCase or
   ///    CustomTestCaseSource descendants.
   TestCaseInfo = record
     ///    Name of the Test Case
     Name : string;
     ///    Values that will be passed to the method being tested.
     Values : TValueArray;

  TestCaseInfoArray = array of TestCaseInfo;

  ///   Base class for all Test Case Attributes.   
  ///   Class is abstract and should never be, used to annotate a class as a
  ///   attribute.   Instead use a descendant, that implements the GetCaseInfo
  ///   method.
  CustomTestCaseAttribute = class abstract(TCustomAttribute)
    function GetCaseInfo : TestCaseInfo;  virtual; abstract;
    property CaseInfo : TestCaseInfo read GetCaseInfo;

  ///   Base class for all Test Case Source Attributes.   
  ///     Class is abstract and should never be, used to annotate a class as a
  ///     attribute.   Instead use a descendant, that implements the
  ///     GetCaseInfoArray method.    
  ///     Note: If a method is annotated with a decendant of
  ///     TestCaseSourceAttribute and returns an empty TestCaseInfoArray, then
  ///     no test will be shown for the method.
  CustomTestCaseSourceAttribute = class abstract(TCustomAttribute)
    function GetCaseInfoArray : TestCaseInfoArray; virtual; abstract;
    property CaseInfoArray : TestCaseInfoArray read GetCaseInfoArray;

With these two classes, I changed TestCaseAttribute to descend from CustomTestCaseAttribute.   
Then I changed the architecture to create a Test based on the TestCaseInfo record structure, that is obtained by either the CaseInfo or the CaseInfoArray properties of the abstract classes.

This little change provides for some really nice functionality, for example I have working sample that uses FireDAC to provide the values to my tests method

  FireDacTestCaseAttribute = class(CustomTestCaseSourceAttribute)
    FTestName : String;
    FConnectionName : String;
    FSelectStatement : String;
    function GetCaseInfoArray : TestCaseInfoArray; override;
    constructor Create(const ATestName : String;const AConnectionName : String; const ASelectStatement : String);

  // Which then can be used like this:
 [FireDacTestCase('TestName','MyDBConn','select strVal, IntVal from Table');
 procedure MyTestMethod(AValue1 : String; AValue2 : Integer);

// Right now the test come out names 'TestName1', 'TestName2', 'TestName3' although that will 
// change before I commit my code to allow specifying values.  

//Most likely passing the TValuesArray with a Format call on testName like this:

 [FireDacTestCase('TestName%0:s%1:s','MyDBConn','select strVal, IntVal from Table');
 procedure MyTestMethod(AValue1 : String; AValue2 : Integer);

This attribute is not in the DUnitX.TestFramework.pas to avoiding creating dependencies on those that don't use this functionality.       This needs quite a bit of work before it's polished enough for general use, but it's what I am working on next after the expert is submitted as a pull request.  

Note: Since FireDac changed it's naming, I believe it might be XE4 or XE5 specific.

Repeat Attribute

DUnitX defines a RepeatAttribute that is currently not implemented.    I made an attempt at implementing it, and I don't like it.    If anyone has better idea, I would be happy to entertain it.

Otherwise, I have some small improvements I think I will make and will submit it again.

My implementation can be found in Pull Request #26  which won't auto merge due another change being implemented first,  but can be viewed in a working state in my RepeatAttribute branch.

Future Plans

Things I want see in a Unit Testing framework is vast, I not sure what I will start on next but here are some areas I am considering with no preference on order.  Note: this is not a road map as some may never be done (at least by me)

  • Test Categories similar to NUnit as I have 10k+ of DUnit tests currently and categories might make it easier to group run on the ones I am interested in.
  • VCL and Firemonkey  GUI Runner
    • Understands and can filter on categories
    • Quick Filter by name
    • Run all or specified tests
    • Simplify the DUnitX project source and make easier to select which runner is used.
      • VCL
      • Firemonkey
      • Console
  • Something similar to GUITesting.pas found in DUnit
  • Load and run tests stored in BPLs.
  • Data Driven Tests Enhancements
    • dbExpress
    • CSV Test Case Source
    • XML Test Case Source
    • TestCaseSource Attribute
      • IOC looks up the Test Case Source Builder Interface
      • Other Sources implement Test Case Builder Interface and Register it in IOC Container.
  • Remote Test Framework
    • Think mobile, tests are on the device the runner is on your development machine.
    • Think Test Farm, multiple machines, with different configurations all running tests.
  • Implement TestInOwnThreadAttribute 
  • Find better way to test new functionality in DUnitX.

Thank you

And last but not least I would like to thank Vincent Parrett and his team for the set of great tools he as produced for the Delphi community.

I use the following:
  • FinalBuilder - Build Automation Tool - Commercial - Well worth the price!!!!
  • ContinuaCI - Build Server - Commercial - Free single for a single build server/agent.
  • DUnitX - Unit Testing Framework - Open Source
  • Delphi-Mocks - Mocking Framework - Open Source
  • DUnit-XML - DUnit XML output in NUnit Style - Open Source
There is more Open Source he has produced all listed on GitHub.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

CodeRage - Next Week

Next week is CodeRage, I am looking forward to speaking again.

I have two sessions:

  • A VCL Developers Guide to Firemonkey
    • October 15, 2013 @ 8:00 AM PDT
    • This session is for those VCL developers who want to learn Firemonkey but have never taken a dive in.   Designed to help these developers save time by addressing the difference in a quick and easy way.
  • Responsive Delphi Design
    • October 16, 2013 @ 1:00 PM PDT
    • Now with mobile developer we are faced with multiple form factors (Device Sizes).  How do we create a single application that looks good on each form factor you
Attendance is FREE and online, all you need to do is Register before the 15th.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Getting ready for Android

Android support in Delphi is on the Roadmap and is expected in the fall.   Although I have a Mac and an IPad, I have an Android Phone.   I was not as excited for the XE4 (iOS support) release as I am about Android support.

I have some thoughts on Android that I want to share...

Market Share

Overall I see a greater number of Android devices, in fact we have 5 Android based devices in my home and only 1 iOS device.  Market studies that I have read vary, but shows in some cases a 50-50 market
and in other it shows that Android has a greater market share.   Regardless the possibility of using Delphi to write a single application that can target both is very exciting.

Android Versions

Android currently has shipped 7 different, Major product releases. These are separated by different code names.     Unlike iOS where most of the users are using the latest version.   Knowing this code names will make your life easier as they are referenced in documentation, blog posts, articles, etc...

The 3 most popular (as of July 8, 2013):
Gingerbread  - 34.1%
Ice Cream Sandwich - 23.3%
Jelly Bean  - 37.9%

Full details on the break down of each code name are market share can be found on the site.   Another good tidbit from this site is the various screen resolutions and
form factors you will see when targeting android.


Distribution is not locked down like the iOS market.
You can distribute you applications in several different ways including
-Google Play Store
-Amazon App Store
-Download from you own site

Design of your application
I love to hear customers talk about just moving an existing windows application to Windows.   After talking with them, they quickly realize that the form factor and touch interface requires a redesign to the look and feel of an application.     For example, most VCL Delphi Applications I have seen contain a Grid.   I rarely see such anything like that on mobile platforms.   To help with this mind set switch I would recommend reading a couple of Design Guidelines.

A bit about the internals of Android

At the heart of Android is the Linux Kernel (Version 3.x since Ice Cream Sandwich release).
On top of the Kernel sits the Dalvik Virtual Machine which runs Java Byte Code.

So when it comes to development you have two targeting options.  
  1. Native - Runs at the Linux Kernel Level
  2. Java Byte Code - Runs in the Dalvik Virtual Machine
Since Delphi is using LLVM for the Android Compiler, applications running will be targeting native.
Java has history of being able to interop between native compiled code, it uses a technology called JNI.
I  suspect that Delphi will have some easy way to do JNI since several of the android libraries are based in Dalvik.

Now it's time to wait and see what Delphi's Android support will really shape up to be.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Legacy Code: Scoping

Hey when I change X why does it break Y when they "should" be completely unrelated.   It's a common problem in development where changing one bit of code has unintended side effects on a different section of code.    Proper varible scoping can help reduce these errors.  Unit testing is the other piece to solving this problem.

Lets start with the most common global variables.   They are are almost always bad, in fact it's really hard to come up with an example of where I feel like they should be used.   However, by default Delphi creates several of them for you.

Specifically, when you create a new form or datamodule there is a variable in that unit that represents that form or datamodule.     We have tried to remove these with varying degrees of success.  Over the years the visual designers have given us errors after removing them.   Not to mention if auto created then the variable is needed.    So now by default we ignore and don't use them.   However, there are exceptions and here is one story....

Our application uses a single database connection of type TSqlConnection.   It was placed on a TDataModule and let everyone use it.   Every demo you see with Delphi told you do it this way.    It made everything really easy, until...

We had new needs which turned into problems.
  1. We wanted to take a section of code, and multi-thread it.    You need to have a database connection per thread, to pull this off.    All of that code was immediately broken and had to be changed.   
  2. We wanted to use a separate set of connection parameters when doing different tests.
  3. We wanted to unit test without creating the whole data module, which over time became a place for developers who were lazy to place common code.
  4. We had non visual code that was used in more than one application.    The other applications had different requirements on how the connection needed to be setup.   So those had connections setup in a different unit than the original global version.
So what have we done to help resolve this problem...

Our code base really depends on TFrame we have several hundred them, actually we were lucky all our frames used a common TFrame Descendant that we created.   Each frame typically represents a new tab in our application.   Each frame is created in a common factory.   This factory has knowledge of the database connection.  So one of many things we did, to help us for the future was to add a Connection property to the common TFrame Descendant.   The connection property is set in the common factory.    Now frames have a connection they can access without directly accessing the global connection variable.    

Now one by one as we visit each screen we are able to remove the global references, and use the new Connection property.   We still have several frames that use the global connection.    But sometimes you have incrementally attack a problem, as you can't rewrite each time decide you hate the code your looking at, otherwise I would never make a deadline.

It is not just Global variables that are a problem, it's improperly scoped variables.    Here is one that I have seen done multiple times.

unit Unit1;

uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, SqlExpr;
  TExample1 = class(TForm)
    MyQuery : TSqlQuery;
    procedure DoSomething;

  MyExample1 : TMyExample1;


{$R *.dfm}

{ TExample1 }

procedure TExample1.DoSomething;
  while not MyQuery.EOF do
     // Do Something with MyQuery


Every time I see code like this it's typically want to scream not again, although it is a quick and easy refactor.

First off let's explore what the problem is with this code.   MyQuery was a Component that was dropped on to the form.   When you drop a component on a form, anyone who has access to the form can change it because if you don't specify, private, protected or public the default behavior is published!   The DFM Streaming mechanism depends on this so there is not much you can do to change this.

However, dropping components on to a form or Datamodule that are only used in one method is like asking someone to abuse you.

Instead change your code to create the query like this.

unit Unit1;

uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, SqlExpr;
  TExample1 = class(TForm)
    procedure DoSomething;


{ TExample1 }

procedure TExample1.DoSomething;
 MyQuery : TSQLQuery;
  MyQuery := TSqlQuery.Create(nil);
    MyQuery.SQLConnection := SomeConnection; // Hopefully passed to you and not global
    while not MyQuery.EOF do
       // Do Something with MyQuery


Notice the MyQuery is no longer declared in published section but is now local to DoSomething.

 The key point of all of this...

 When writing code you should scope the variable declarations to be as close as possible to the code that uses it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Legacy Code: Abstract to Interface

Say you where given the following legacy code snippet, and where told that you needed five new  packet types that need to be written.

   TDataObject = class(TObject)
     // Some Shared Data here.

   TPacketWriter = class(TObject)
      function CreateObjectX : TDataObject;
      procedure WriteFileZ(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); virtual; abstract;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); virtual; abstract;
      procedure Execute;

   TPacketWriterTypeA = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

   TPacketWriterTypeB = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

procedure TPacketWriter.Execute;
 lObj : TDataObject;
  lObj := CreateObjectX;

  // where it was used
 PWA : TPacketWriterTypeA;
 PWB : TPacketWriterTypeB;
 PWA := TPacketWriterTypeA.create;

 PWB := TPacketWriterTypeA.create;

Well you might say that is easy I can quickly add the following.

   TPacketWriterNewType1 = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

   TPacketWriterNewType2 = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

   TPacketWriterNewType3 = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

   TPacketWriterNewType4 = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

   TPacketWriterNewType5 = class(TPacketWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject); override;
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject); override;

But I have goal that all new code should be unit tested. Let just say that WriteFileX and WriteFileY are unique in each case and they are complex pieces of code. In the real world example The Execute Method was even more complex. Writing a test on just the execute method would involve a lot of cut and paste of test code for each instance. Not something that smelled correct to me.

The key here that I want to point out is that when you see virtual; abstract; you should ask if an interface makes sense. In this case the answer I determined that an interface made sense. I refactored the TPacketWriter to implement an interface with the resulting code looking like this:

   TDataObject = class(TObject)
     // Some Shared Data here.

   IPacketFileWriter = interface
     procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
     procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriter = class(TObject)
      function CreateObjectX : TDataObject;
      procedure WriteFileZ(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure Execute(aFileWriter : IPacketFileWriter);

   TPacketWriterTypeA = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterTypeB = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterNewType1 = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterNewType2 = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterNewType3 = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterNewType4 = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);

   TPacketWriterNewType5 = class(TInterfacedObject,IPacketFileWriter)
      procedure WriteFileX(Data : TDataObject);
      procedure WriteFileY(Data : TDataObject);


procedure TPacketWriter.Execute(aFileWriter : IPacketFileWriter);
 lObj : TDataObject;
  lObj := CreateObjectX;


// Where it was used
 PW : TPacketWriter;
  PW := TPacketWriter.Create;

So why do this?

  1. I was able to write a test for TPacketWriter.execute using a Mock Object that implemented the  Interface
  2. I was able to test both WriteFilesX and WriteFileY for each class independently 
  3. Implementing new supporting types is easy and I don't have to worry about TPacketWriter.Execute when I am writing my test.
I am sure there are other reasons, but writing testable code was my primary motivation.

There are many other things I can change with this code.  But the point I want to repeat.
When you see virtualabstract; you should ask if an interface makes sense.

Legacy Code

Today, It has been 18 years since Delphi was released.      Some Delphi projects have been around for quite some time now.     I think we all look back on code we wrote a year or two ago that we would write in a completely different way today.   Sometimes is because a new feature of the language or a new library is available, and sometimes it is just that you have learned a better way to do something.

Where I work....
In 1998 there was a mainframe application, that was not going to make it through the year 2000 switch.   A decision was made to rewrite the application and Delphi was chosen.     We have had several other applications that were started after the year 2000 that were written in other technologies.   Many of the these have had to be completely rewritten.     However, our not so little Delphi application not only survives it thrives.  Business is always changing we are constantly updating our application to meet these ever changing needs.   

Much of the original code written in 1998 still exists in some form, with many more lines of code after that.   The team has evolved over that time as well, we only have one developer left who started the project.  I estimate that we have had 40+ unique developers who have worked on this code base.   Each unique,
each had there own coding style and skill sets.    

Some of the past code is very procedural with tons of global variables and is written in a such a way that it's very difficult to test and maintain.   Where new code is written using better practices, and with good unit test coverage.     But it's not uncommon to be asked to change an area of the application that has not been significantly changed since it was first written in 1998.   When faced with such a change, how do I do that in a safe way and not continue to keep the code looking like it was written in 1998.

I have been collecting various snippets of code and how I changed them for the better.   Today I will be starting a series of blog posts on dealing with legacy code.   I suspect this may generate a bit of debate and that conversation is welcome.  I have learned that there is always a better way.     I have also learned that what works from problem X may be the complete wrong solution for problem Y.      

My hope is that what I write will help others to think in new and different ways when dealing with code.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

AnyDAC - worries with some real excitement.

When I read Marco Cantu's Post titled "Embarcadero Buys AnyDAC"  I began to worry.

Where I work we spent a great deal of time converting from the BDE to dbExpress.    Granted we did it faster than we thought it would take, it's not something I am ready to do again.    Having to switch from dbExpress to another Database Layer was really not going to be an option for us.    So I spent some time really reading the documentation on AnyDAC.

From what I have read this has turned from worry to exciting news, with a one thing that may need to be done.

First off let me address my worry about dbExpress.
What is lacking that would need to developed.  (Maybe already done since I have no code to look at yet, and I am just reading docs)
  • Ability to have a TSQLConnection use an existing TADConnection class or vice versa.
  • I basically think it would be great if AnyDAC existing connection could become an dbExpress Driver.
  • I know enough about the dbExpress framework to know this is something that would be very possible to do.   
  • In the long run this would also allow Embarcadero to only have to support one set of drivers and not one for dbExpress and one for AnyDAC.       
  • If Embarcadero does something stupid and don't do this and just stop maintaining dbExpress Drivers without providing a bridge then I would have to stop upgrading Delphi versions, but I really don't see that happening.    
This would allow existing dbExpress applications to start using AnyDAC without having to have two connections to the database.   

Then I started looking at the features of AnyDAC and found several that are really appealing.  
In addition I noticed that AnyDAC really has a good cross platform story.   Which might be a huge thing for the Mobile editions of Delphi.   Granted I think that connecting directly to a remote database via a mobile application is a security risk.

Overall I think this will be a good thing, depending on the decisions made by Embarcadero that have yet to be made.